apush score calculator

What is apush score calculator?

Apush score calculator is a tool that helps high school students calculate their Advanced Placement United States History (APUSH) exam score. This calculator takes the raw scores obtained from the multiple-choice and free-response sections of the exam and converts them into a scaled score ranging from 1-5.

How does apush score calculator work?

To use the apush score calculator, you need to enter the number of multiple-choice questions you answered correctly and the scores you received on each free-response question. Once you have entered this information, the calculator will use a predetermined formula to calculate your exam score.

Why do students use apush score calculator?

The apush score calculator is an essential tool for students who want to know their APUSH exam score before the official results are released. This tool helps students determine whether they have achieved their desired score and can also help them plan for future exams.

At this point, you might be wondering how the exam is scored and how the apush score calculator determines your score. The APUSH exam is graded on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score possible. To receive a passing score, students must score a 3 or higher. The exam consists of two parts: a multiple-choice section and a free-response section.

The multiple-choice section has 55 questions that students must answer in 55 minutes. The section is worth 40% of the exam score. The free-response section consists of three essay questions that students must answer in 130 minutes. This section is worth 60% of the exam score.


1. Can I use the apush score calculator for other AP exams?

No. The apush score calculator is specifically designed for the APUSH exam. There are other score calculators available for other AP exams.

2. Is the apush score calculator accurate?

The apush score calculator is designed to be as accurate as possible, but it is not an official score calculator. The College Board, which administers the AP exams, is the only organization that can provide official score reports.


The apush score calculator is an essential tool for students who want to know their APUSH exam score before official results are released. This tool helps students determine whether they have achieved their desired score and can also help them plan for future exams. With the use of this calculator, students can take control of their academic progress and plan for a successful future.